Yuri Delgado
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What's new in ECMAScript 2022 (ES13)

January 24 2023Yuri3 min read

In this post, I’ll talk about the new standards that ES13 (2022) brought. First of all, let’s understand what is Ecma and ECMAScript.

What is ECMAScript

I’ve already mentioned in previous posts that back in the day JavaScript was a mess due to the lack of standards. Fortunately, Ecma International brought some standards to JavaScript in 1997 with the name ECMAScript. It was a JavaScript developed by Netscape in 1996. However, from 1999 to 2009, no edition was published.

But in December 2009, some improvements came, such as the “strict mode”, and getters and setters. From 2015 on, every year Ecma released a new edition of ECMAScript under the names: ECMAScript 2015 (ES6), ECMAScript 2016 (ES7), ECMAScript 2017 (ES8), ECMAScript 2018 (ES9), ECMAScript 2019 (ES10), ECMAScript 2020 (ES11), ECMAScript 2021 (ES12), ECMAScript 2022 (ES13).

Besides JavaScript, Ecma also defines the standard in several other technologies, such as C#, Dart, communications, multimedia coding, acoustics, IoT, etc.

What’s new in ES13

If you code in JavaScript for a while, for sure you have already heard about ES6 strict mode, class declarations, modules, arrow functions, and let and const keywords. Those are some of the standards that ES6 brought in 2015. It allows us to write simpler and better code.

In 2022, ES13 brought the following:

Top-level await

Previously, await calls couldn't happen in the top-level of your file. If you had to call some async function, you had to use an IIFE by doing:

(async () => { const data = await fetch(url); })();

This feature allows us to await the async function at the top level.

Class field declarations for JavaScript

Field declarations

It was not possible to define class fields (attributes) outside constructors. Example:

class Counter extends HTMLElement { clicked() { this.x++; window.requestAnimationFrame(this.render.bind(this)); } constructor() { super(); this.onclick = this.clicked.bind(this); this.x = 0; } connectedCallback() { this.render(); } render() { this.textContent = this.x.toString(); } } window.customElements.define('num-counter', Counter);

Took from the proposal.

Note that the attribute x had to be declared and initialized inside constructor(). Now, the following is possible:

class Counter extends HTMLElement { x = 0; clicked() { this.x++; window.requestAnimationFrame(this.render.bind(this)); } constructor() { super(); this.onclick = this.clicked.bind(this); } connectedCallback() { this.render(); } render() { this.textContent = this.x.toString(); } } window.customElements.define('num-counter', Counter);

Private fields

Access modifiers in JavaScript didn’t exist indeed. Now, this new feature allows the developers to expose or not some private fields and methods to the external world:

class Counter extends HTMLElement { #x = 0; clicked() { this.#x++; window.requestAnimationFrame(this.render.bind(this)); } constructor() { super(); this.onclick = this.clicked.bind(this); } connectedCallback() { this.render(); } render() { this.textContent = this.#x.toString(); } } window.customElements.define('num-counter', Counter);

Took from the proposal.

If you create an instance of Counter and try to access the value of x, you can't, because it's a private field. It prevents accidents by increasing encapsulation.

ECMAScript class static initialization blocks

Both static fields and blocks are executed in the class creation, i.e., they don’t require instantiation. Static blocks are executed in the order they were created:

class Car { static tires = 4; static isEngineOn = false static { this.isEngineOn = true } } console.log(Car.isEngineOn) // true

Ergonomic brand checks for Private Fields

This feature allows us to check if there’s a private field in the class without throwing an exception. One way of handling this situation could be:

class Car { #brand static isCar(obj) { try { obj.#brand return true } catch { return false } } }

The new brand check allows us to check for the field by just using the in operator:

class Car { #brand static isCar(obj) { try { obj.#brand return true } catch { return false } } }

RegExp Match Indices for ECMAScript

The previous exec() method from RegExp provided some information about the match in a given string:

const genres = ['heavy metal', 'death metal', 'nu metal'] const regex = /death/g regex.exec(genres) // [ // "death", // groups: undefined, // index: 12, // input: "heavy metal,death metal,nu metal" // ]

Now, with the new match indexes, we can pass d to the RegEx, and then we get the indices array:

const genres = ['heavy metal', 'death metal', 'nu metal'] const regex = /death/dg regex.exec(genres) // [ // "death", // groups: undefined, // index: 12, // indices: [12, 17], // input: "heavy metal,death metal,nu metal" // ]

.at() method on all the built-in indexables

To get the last element of an array, you’d probably do the following:

const arr = [1,2,3,4] const last = arr[arr.length - 1] // 4

With ES13, you can use at() method to access "negative indexes":

const arr = [1,2,3,4] const last = arr.at(-1) // 4

Accessible Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty()

To check if the objects has a property, it’s common to do:

let hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty if (hasOwnProperty.call(object, "foo")) { console.log("has property foo") }

Took from the proposal

To make code more readable and clean, many developers save the method’s reference to a new variable and use it whenever they want. Since it’s not recommended to call Object.hasOwnProperty directly (because the object can implement this method), the use of the prototype is almost ways a better choice. With ES13, it’s possible to call hasOwn() method directly from Object:

if (Object.hasOwn(object, "foo")) { console.log("has property foo") }

Took from the proposal

Error Cause

Error stack traces sometimes are difficult to figure out the cause of the error.

ECMAScript 2022 introduces the cause property that specifies which error caused the other error.

async function doJob() { const rawResource = await fetch('//domain/resource-a') .catch(err => { throw new Error('Download raw resource failed', { cause: err }); }); const jobResult = doComputationalHeavyJob(rawResource); await fetch('//domain/upload', { method: 'POST', body: jobResult }) .catch(err => { throw new Error('Upload job result failed', { cause: err }); }); } try { await doJob(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); console.log('Caused by', e.cause); } // Error: Upload job result failed // Caused by TypeError: Failed to fetch

Took from the proposal


Let’s say your application is adding elements to a base array and you want to manipulate that array. This case is a typical React scenario where you have to manipulate the DOM by checking if elements in an array are there. Probably we can ensure that the element you’re looking for is in the second half of the array. In this case, using the traditional .find() method could result in an unnecessary check in the first half of the array. Another option would be reversing the array and then applying the same method. Not a very good solution as well, bad performance, and bad readability. ES13 introduced Array.prototype.findLast() and Array.prototype.findLastIndex(() methods, which help developers in those scenarios. Besides having better performance, it also helps with readability because it describes better what the developer is doing.

const array = [{ value: 1 }, { value: 2 }, { value: 3 }, { value: 4 }]; // ======== Before the proposal =========== [...array].reverse().find(n => n.value % 2 === 1); // { value: 3 } // ======== In the proposal =========== // find array.findLast(n => n.value % 2 === 1); // { value: 3 }

Took from the proposal

Good stuff, isn’t it? Thank you for reading this post, and I hope you could learn something new. 🙂

See ya!


Yuri Delgado

I'm a Brazilian full-stack engineer who loves learning new technologies and trying out new tools.