Yuri Delgado
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Implementing a simple blockchain from scratch

July 23 2021Yuri7 min read

In the previous post we discussed some concepts in regard to blockchain. If you missed this post, I strongly suggest you to go back and take a read before moving forward.

I opted to use Python as the language for this post due to its simplicity, but the same code can be written in C++, Java or any other language you prefer.

Defining entities

Before creating files and writing code, let’s think about the problem’s complexity for a moment.

Block entity

The blockchain will be a list of blocks. Therefore, the first class will represent the block entity. Recalling the last post, a block has some attributes which will be used in the hash representation of the block. In this example, the attributes will be:

  • Index: the position of the block in the chain. 0 is the genesis block.
  • Timestamp: Unix timestamp.
  • Transactions: list of transactions contained in the current block.
  • Previous hash: the previous block’s hash.
  • Nonce: the unique value used to mine a block in PoW.

To apply the hash function it is necessary to somehow serialize the attributes, convert them into a string or something like that. After we get a hashable input (a stringified JSON, for example), we will hash it and return the value.

Blockchain entity

The blockchain will be responsible for gathering all the blocks, store the unconfirmed transactions (the ones that need validation from the network), apply some PoW algorithm (to mine blocks), check if a given proof is valid (peers will claim the proof, so it’s necessary to make sure they have the right one) and mine a block indeed (add it to the blockchain).

Keep in mind that the code we are writing today would be run by N peers all over the network because we are considering it public. Thus, a peer has to be able to perform all the actions I listed.

Blockchain's UML Figure 1. Diagram of block and blockchain classes.

Figure 1 shows a general view of both classes. I didn’t specify any type or arguments just because it’s a sketch and I wanted to save some time and space. :)

Setting up the project

In this project we are going to use five Python libraries: json, hashlib, time, unittest and copy. None of them require installation, they are natively available in Python 3.7 (the version I’m using in this post).

I like to use Pipenv in my Python projects because managing requirements in Python can be a real pain.

So, create a folder calling it whatever you want and start your pipenv environment.

Tests, tests, tests

It’s not because we are developing decentralized stuff that we will abandon tests. On the contrary, since it must be a fail-safe software that will run decentralized, we have to ensure that all our functions are behaving as we expect. Also, tests will help us to understand each piece of our software.

All our functions will have at least one test to give us some safety. I will not pursue a 100% test coverage in this post, but I recommend you to do it whenever you can.

Blockchain is not a trivial idea and involves a myriad of functions, so putting everything together and trying it all manually may not be the best or smartest way to make sure you got it and it’s working properly.

The block class

Ok, before starting the tests, let’s define the block’s blueprint in block.py file:

class Block: def __init__(self, index='', timestamp='', transactions=[], previous_hash='', nonce=0): self.index = index self.timestamp = timestamp self.transactions = transactions self.previous_hash = previous_hash self.nonce = nonce def build_payload(self): pass def hash(self): pass

It’s not a big deal, right? Pretty much the attributes and methods we discussed before.

Now, create a file called test_block.py with the following content:

from block import Block import unittest from json import dumps index = 1 transactions = ['a', 'b'] timestamp = 'ts' previous_hash = 'b' nonce = 100 new_block = Block(index, timestamp, transactions, previous_hash, nonce) class TestBlock(unittest.TestCase): def test_build_payload(self): payload = new_block.build_payload() expected = dumps(dict(index=index, nonce=nonce, previous_hash=previous_hash, timestamp=timestamp, transactions=transactions), sort_keys=True) self.assertEqual(payload, expected, 'Should match dicts') def test_hash(self): generated_hash = new_block.hash() self.assertEqual(len(generated_hash), 64, 'Should match hash') if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()

First, I imported our Block class, the unittest library and the dumps function from the json library. The idea is to encode our attributes in order to get a hashable string. That’s what dumps does. Right after the imports I defined a block sample just to make testing easier.

The first test checks if the encoding was done correctly based on the block’s attributes.

The second test, test_hash, just checks if the generated hash has 64 characters length (the size of a SHA-256 hash).

The last part is to ensure the execution scope.

Following the TDD methodology, let’s run the tests with python test_block.py (make sure you are running this inside your environment with pipenv shell).

You may have received a failing message. That’s fine, we don’t have our code yet.

Add the following line in the top of the block.py file:

from json import dumps

The build_payload method becomes the following:

def build_payload(self): return dumps(self.__dict__, sort_keys=True)

And the hash method:

def hash(self): payload = self.build_payload() return sha256(payload.encode()).hexdigest()

It will apply the SHA-256 algorithm in the encoded payload and convert it to hexadecimal (standard notation).

Great, now, re-run the test for test_block.py. Both tests should be executed successfully.

The blockchain class

Similarly to the block class, let’s define the blockchain class blueprint:

class Blockchain: def __init__(self): self._chain = [Block(index=0, timestamp=time.time(), transactions=[], previous_hash=0)] self.unconfirmed_txs = [] def pow(self, block, difficulty=3): pass def is_valid_proof(self, block, proof_hash, difficulty=3): pass def add_transaction(self, transaction): pass def mine(self): pass

You can notice that I put some arguments in the method signatures.

The pow method will be responsible for making the “heavy calculation” in order to mine a block. Remember: in PoW-based networks, miners have to demonstrate their computational power to process transactions and add blocks to the chain. This method will be the core of it. It receives a certain block (instance of our other class) and the difficulty. Bitcoin, for example, adjusts the difficulty of mining according to the network state. It can be more or less difficult. The parameter with default value 3 represents the amount of zeros that should be in our proof hash.

The is_valid_proof method will be used to check if a given hash attends to the PoW algorithm. Remember: a PoW algorithm has to be difficult to calculate but easy to verify. Otherwise, peers would have to use a lot of computational power just to verify the validity of a block. It receives the block in which the PoW algorithm was applied; the generated hash, also from the PoW execution; and the difficulty to match the number of zeros.

add_transaction will just append an unconfirmed transaction to the unconfirmed_txs array.

Last but not least, there’s the mine, the method that will gather everything.

PoW method

Finally we reached the most interesting part, at least in my opinion. The nonce value is zero by default. Our goal here is to find a nonce such that when the block is hashed, the hash will have difficulty leading zeros. Let’s take a look at a real world example.

That’s the hash of the block 692076 of Bitcoin’s blockchain: 00000000000000000012fbdbb03b7adbe08b7450a7b9286d075af8ee98c8142c

There’re 18 leading zeros. It means that the miner had to find a nonce that met the network difficulty at that time: 18. In this particular case, the nonce was 0x134088cc. Nowadays, if you don’t have special devices prepared for mining, it will not be possible to reach the nonce “answer” in a good time.

I think you got the idea. Time to write it:

def pow(self, block, difficulty=3): proof_hash = block.hash() while not self.is_valid_proof(block, proof_hash, difficulty=difficulty): block.nonce += 1 proof_hash = block.hash() return proof_hash First, just get the current hash of the given block. While this hash doesn’t meet the difficulty condition, we increment the nonce and try again. That’s simple. We start in 0 and move forward one by one until the condition is met. The method is using another one that we didn’t talk about yet, let’s see it.

Is the proof valid?

A proof-of-work has to be easily verified. Since we have a discovered nonce value, just apply the hash method in the block to check if it’s correct:

def is_valid_proof(self, block, proof_hash, difficulty=3): computed_hash = block.hash() return computed_hash.startswith('0' * difficulty) and computed_hash == proof_hash

It’s pretty straightforward, isn’t it?

Mining blocks

We are almost there. Now, it’s time to mine the blocks. The steps are the following:

  1. Check if there’s at least one unconfirmed transaction in the network. There’s no point in mining nothing, we need transactions to mine.
  2. Assemble the block that will be added to the chain with all the attributes needed.
  3. Prove you have worked hard and get the proof hash.
  4. Add the block to the chain.
  5. Clear the list of unconfirmed transactions.

Read the steps again and take some minutes if you judge necessary.

The mine method will return the new block index, an integer.

@property def last_block(self): return self._chain[-1] def mine(self): if not self.unconfirmed_txs: return -1 new_block = Block(index=self.last_block.index+1, timestamp=time.time(), transactions=self.unconfirmed_txs, previous_hash=self.last_block.hash()) proof_hash = self.pow(new_block) self.verify_and_add_block(new_block, proof_hash) self.unconfirmed_txs = [] return new_block.index

In order to get the last chain’s block right away, I created a method that uses the @property decorator.

I opted to put the verify_and_add_block logic into another function to make it easier to test.

def verify_and_add_block(self, block, proof_hash): previous_hash = self.last_block.hash() if previous_hash != block.previous_hash or not self.is_valid_proof(block, proof_hash): return False self._chain.append(block) return True

We can only add a valid block to the blockchain, therefore the reference to the previous block’s hash has to be correct and the proof-of-work has to be valid as well. If those conditions are met, the block is good to go.

Adding transactions

Peers can add transactions to the blockchain, those transactions will be stored in a list until miners finish their job and confirm the transactions in a new block. Nothing new to add a transaction to the blockchain:

def add_transaction(self, transaction): self.unconfirmed_txs.append(transaction)


I added two more methods (besides last_block) to the code. Both, build_transaction and print (in block and blockchain classes) were useful to me to test.

def build_transaction(self, sender, receiver, amount): return dict(sender=sender, receiver=receiver, amount=amount) def print(self): for block in self._chain: block.print()

build_transaction simulates a scenario of a real transaction where you have a sender, a receiver and an amount that is being transferred.

Blockchain tests

Like the block class, blockchain class also deserves a test suite. I will not explain what each test does, at this point you may be familiar with the logic of blockchain.

from blockchain import Blockchain from block import Block import unittest from json import dumps from copy import deepcopy index = 1 transactions = ['a', 'b'] timestamp = 'ts' previous_hash = 0 nonce = 100 sample_block = Block(index, transactions, timestamp, previous_hash, nonce) DIFFICULTY = 3 class TestBlockchain(unittest.TestCase): def test_last_block_with_only_genesis(self): blockchain = Blockchain() self.assertEqual(blockchain.last_block.index, 0, 'Should retrieve genesis block successfully') def test_last_block_with_one_more_block(self): blockchain = Blockchain() block = deepcopy(sample_block) block.previous_hash = blockchain.last_block.hash() blockchain.verify_and_add_block( block=block, proof_hash=blockchain.pow(block)) self.assertEqual(blockchain.last_block.index, 1, 'Should retrieve last block successfully') def test_pow_success(self): blockchain = Blockchain() block = deepcopy(sample_block) proof_hash = blockchain.pow(block, difficulty=DIFFICULTY) self.assertEqual(blockchain.is_valid_proof(block, proof_hash, DIFFICULTY), True, 'Should apply PoW algorithm successfully') def test_pow_failure(self): blockchain = Blockchain() block = deepcopy(sample_block) proof_hash = blockchain.pow(block) block.nonce += 1 self.assertEqual(blockchain.is_valid_proof(block, proof_hash, DIFFICULTY), False, 'Should apply PoW algorithm and fail due to wrong nonce counter') def test_is_valid_proof(self): blockchain = Blockchain() block = deepcopy(sample_block) proof_hash = blockchain.pow(block, difficulty=DIFFICULTY) valid = blockchain.is_valid_proof( block, proof_hash, difficulty=DIFFICULTY) self.assertEqual(valid, True, 'Should be valid') def test_add_transaction(self): blockchain = Blockchain() new_tx = blockchain.build_transaction( 'SenderAddress', 'ReceiverAddress', 10) self.assertEqual(blockchain.unconfirmed_txs, [], 'Should return an empty unconfirmed transaction array') blockchain.add_transaction(new_tx) self.assertEqual(blockchain.unconfirmed_txs, [ new_tx], 'Should return 1 unconfirmed transaction in array') def test_verify_and_add_block(self): blockchain = Blockchain() block = deepcopy(sample_block) block.previous_hash = blockchain.last_block.hash() proof_hash = blockchain.pow(block) self.assertEqual(blockchain.last_block.index, 0, 'Should return only genesis block before adding second block') was_added = blockchain.verify_and_add_block(block, proof_hash) self.assertEqual( was_added, True, 'Should return true when add a valid block') self.assertEqual(blockchain.last_block.index, 1, 'Should return genesis block and the second block') def test_mine_with_unconfirmed_txs(self): blockchain = Blockchain() block = deepcopy(sample_block) block.previous_hash = blockchain.last_block.hash() unconf_tx = blockchain.build_transaction( 'SenderAddress', 'ReceiverAddress', 10) blockchain.unconfirmed_txs.append(unconf_tx) next_idx = blockchain.mine() self.assertEqual(next_idx, 1, 'Should return the next index in chain') def test_mine_with_no_unconfirmed_txs(self): blockchain = Blockchain() block = deepcopy(sample_block) block.previous_hash = blockchain.last_block.hash() next_idx = blockchain.mine() self.assertEqual( next_idx, -1, "Should return -1 when there's no pending transaction") if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ### Increase the difficulty We define the difficulty as 3 to run our code. Try to increment this value to 4 and 5, and re-run the tests. You will notice that the execution time will be significantly higher.

In my computer, I got the following running all the 9 tests:

DifficultyTime (s)
Table 1. Difficulty vs. time (s) comparison.
Miners will spend more time solving the "challenge" as the difficulty increases.

Final words

Blockchain might not be trivial when we all are used to centralized apps that rarely require some consensus. Actually, blockchain might not be trivial if you are not a developer. The main idea is not that difficult to get, but the implementation details can be hard and some beginner’s questions can end up in a shallow (or not) explanation about cryptography, consensus, network, history, economy and basics of computer science.

I hope you have enjoyed and learned a little with the last two posts. Feel free to send me a message to talk about blockchain, cryptocurrencies or other stuff.

The complete code of this post is available at GitHub.

See ya!


Yuri Delgado

I'm a Brazilian full-stack engineer who loves learning new technologies and trying out new tools.